Hi! My name is Lisa, and welcome to my site. Let me tell you a little about myself. I love smileys!!!!! They are soooo cute. That is why, if you haven't noticed, this page is all about smileys. If you have anything that has to do with smileys and you want me to put it on my page, email it to me by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. Thanx! NOTE: I don't know why, but sometimes when websites are loading, some of the graphics don't load correctly, so if you see a box with an "X" in it instead of a graphic, right click on it and select "Show Picture." If none of the graphics on the site load, click the refresh button on your browser window.
Click on the smiley to see a list of some of my favorite smileys!
Click on the smiley to see the top thirteen reasons that you should always *smile*!
Click on the smiley to see some really cool emoticons!
Read the cartoon of the day~it's so funny it's sure to make you smile!!!